Second Stage Scholarship Runner up Announced!!

I am absolutely delighted to announce that LEAH MARSHALL has been awarded our next runner up place this year!

Leah applied for the stage scholarship last year and Im so glad she didn’t give up and applied again this year! This win couldn’t be more well deserved. Your hard work and determination has paid off!

The stage scholarship judge said “Leah’s passion for performance really stood out. She also had a maturity in her style and if she continues to improve with the training at Razzamataz Newcastle she could have a bright future ahead of her!”

Leah said
“I’ve loved drama and music since I was little, it’s all I’ve wanted to do and it’s definitely what I want to do in the future. I’m taking music at school and ive recently starred as a pink lady in my school performance of grease this year. I thoroughly enjoyed my role. I currently attend Razzamataz newcastle and have done for the last year. I joined after applying for the scholarship last year and I’ve not regretted it at all. I’ve been given so many opportunities with Razzamataz and everyone there is like a second family to me. I look forward to many years with them all and the exciting things I will be doing with them. I’ve applied for the scholarship because I really want to push myself this year. This is what I want to do with my life so want to take every opportunity I can to learn and improve. Every experience is valuable learning and development for me.”

Leah has been awarded 1 term free at Razzamataz worth over £220! Well Done Leah!

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